Shuttering & Scaffolding Store Inventory & Rent Management Software

Shuttering & Scaffolding
* Stock Management
* Rent Management
* Issue
* Receive
* Site wise Custoemr Data
Software Dashboard

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:: Software Features List ::

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::: User Manual :::
Masters Menu
Entries Menu
Reports Menu
Masters Menu >>

* Lets Start the Software Now.
Once you Finish the Software Setup
"Shuttering Scaffolding Software - Shortcut" will display on desktop
just double click on icon sto start the Software.
0 Start Software Icon Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software

* Software will start with Blank Company
* Click in "Create a New Company"
2 Company Login Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver

* This will open below screen.
* Type your Company Information Here
* Set Proper Financial Year date range
* Mendetory to select Proper State & GST State Code
* Now Press on "Create Company"
* This will finish the job.
3 New Company CreationShuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* Now Double click on Company Name
* User Login screen will display like this.
* Default User Name is "1"
* Default password is "1" 
* Press Login.
4 User Login Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver

* Software Dashboard will display like below screen.
* Left top is Software Menu List
* Right side panel is frequently used shortcut list of all operating screens made by billing software guru.
5 Software Dashboard Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver

* Master Menu List *
Below Screen displays all lsit of Master Menu available in software.
* Here is the List *
> Account Master
> Account Group
> Opening Balance Editor
> Items Master
> Item Group Master
> Agreement Master
> Party Settings
> Bill Sundry
> Site Master
> GST Slabs
> Sale Type
> Purchase Type
> User Master
> User Profile Master
> Company Info.
6 Masters Menu List Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver

* Company Information *
Below Screen displays
* You can edit the Company information in below screen after you create a new company. 
7 Company Info Editing Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* Check the Infomation Typed here will be displayed in all printing Formats of this Software including Sales Invoice to All Reports.

* Account Master *
Below Screen displays
8. Account Master List Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* All Accounts List will display here.
* Software will show you some default accounts mendetory already filled
* You can Import & Export Account Details from Excel Sheet Easily.
* Template to import is availabe while you export the data. Same can be used to import the new data.
* Click on New Button to Start New Accounts Details as per below screen.
9. Account new entry  Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* Very easy way to create a new account is just to type Party's GSTIN Number by Click on "Get Auto Party Detail by GST No."
* All details of customer or Supplier will display automatically.
* Else
* We can type customer or Supplier Details address & all other required information manually here.
* Press Save or Update to store the data.
* All other account related to expense, Investment, Capitals Etc., can he created here only.
* Make sure that we select the Account Group properly to get the effect of created account in banalnce Sheet & other legers perfectly.

* Item Master *
Below Screen displays
10. Items List Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* All Items can be created here.
* Screen will show created Items List here
* We can export this list to excel
* Search specific item with name or other detils filter box given
* Double click on item to edit or delete from list.
* or Click on "New" Button to start entering item details as fresh.
11. Items New Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* Start Creating New Item
* Type Item Name
* Item Group (Can be created new by pressing F3)
* Select GST Tax Slab
* HSN Code
* Short Name
* Length (Mtr) this is dimention of Product
* Rate of Product
* Per Select Unit for rate per Unit
* Rent Per Day
* Purcahse Price of the Product
* Sale Price (This price is valid during direct selling of product without giving on rent)
* SIZE ***
* Type different Sizes of the product here & Stcok of that size of that particular product.
* Go on adding different sizes here. once done press "Save"

Below Screen displays
12. Aggrement Master for Items Rates Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
* Agreement is the master screen where we can store Customer Name, Customer Site Name & Items List with Agreed Prices for rent per day to issue during the specific Billing cycles. 
* This agreed rates can be listed, saved & Printed so that we can issue it to customer as a reference paper while invoiced.

Below Screen displays
13. Partywise Rates Settings Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
 * Party wise Settings is the master screen where we can store 
Party Name, 
Customer Site Name 
& Items List 
with Agreed Prices for rent per day 
to issue during the specific Billing cycles. 
* This agreed rates can be listed, saved & Printed so that we can issue it to customer as a reference paper while invoiced.

Below Screen displays
14. Bill Sundry Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver


15. Site Master Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
=== Check
16. GST Tax Slam Master Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
17. Sale and Purchase Type Settings Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
19. Entries Menu List Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver Solutions
20. Party Bill Preview D Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver
20. Party Bill Screen A Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver Billing Suru
20. Party Bill Screen B Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver

20. Party Bill Screen C Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

21. Hirre Bill Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

22. Contract Bill Sq Ft Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

23. Contract Bill Sq Ft Preview Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

24. Contract Bill Cu Ft Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

25. Contract Bill Cu Ft Preview Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

26. Lease Invoice Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

27. Lease Invoice Screen Preview Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

28. Damage Charges Bill Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

29. Damage Charges Bill Screen Preview Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

30. Quotation Making Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

31. Quotation Making Screen Preview Image Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

32.  Item Issue Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

32. Item Issue Screen A Preview Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

33.  Item Received Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

34.  Item Received Screen Preview Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

35. Hire Product Issue Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

36. UnHire Product Issue Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

37. Purchase Invoice Products Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

38. Sales Invoice Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

39. Sales Invoice Preview Template Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

40. Stock Journal BOM Production KIT Assembly Product Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

41. Quick Payment Quick Receipt Entry Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

42. Contra Entry Financial Accounting Screen Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

43. Reports List Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

44. Pedency Reports List Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

45. Utilities Menu List Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

46. ARC Coupen Code Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver MYERP

47. Close Company Data Backup Shuttering and Scaffolding Store Software Solver

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